Embark on an enchanting journey of self-discovery with your little ones through the captivating pages of "Enchanting Chakras: Discover the Magic Within." These beautifully illustrated children's book series are designed to introduce the concept of chakras in a fun, engaging, and age-appropriate manner.
Join Timmy, the adorable Koala Chakra Bear that discovers his Base Chakra and the super-power it holds. In the first book in this series - Enchanting Chakras - Root/Base Chakra for Kids.
The Base Chakra is responsible for feelings of survival and safety. It helps keep you grounded and supported.

Think of Timmy as your Spirit Animal, you can visualise him when you feel worried or scared. If you are starting something new, or need some reassurance.
Timmy loves to help, and loves to feel connected to family and friends. He loves getting his paws in dirt and really connecting to Mother Earth.
Some Fun Facts about the Base/Root Charka:
Colour: Red
Location: Bottom of Spine
Element: Earth
Super Power: Sense of Belonging, Self Love, Connection to Earth
Spirit Animals: Timmy! - also elephants and turtles
Affirmation: I am Safe, I am Secure, I am Loved